
Hi Folks.

Introduction to Hexo Blog Framework

Before writing your posts, first create a file system of hexo framework by executing

hexo init

in a empty directory.

The static site is generated with

hexo generate

and stored in public directory.

If you want to create a new post, use

hexo new


Before deploying, preview the site by serving at localhost with

hexo server

After everything settled, use

hexo deploy

to deploy all the documents in public. The deployer follows the configurations in the section deploy of the configuration file _config.yml. An example of git deployer is given as follows

  type: 'git'
  repo: 'git@github.com:Leegenux/Leegenux.github.io.git'
  branch: production

To use git deployer, you should install the hexo-deployer-git package.

— Jan 24, 2023
